
International fair in Madrid, Spain BADA, Gesicht Art presenting Alejandro Señero.

Alejandro Señero

(Rosario, Argentina – 1993)


Alejandro Señero was born in the city of Rosario, Argentina, in 1993.

Owner of a curious mind, Señero embarks on an aesthetic journey that leads him to embrace all art and discard none. His inspiration feeds from a multiplicity of movements and styles both from Europe and the American continent. His works are inhabited by characters who escape all reductionism blending real and unreal proportions all at once. The artist manages to elude the stiffness of all possible classifications melting the walls of conventions thus allowing his art to flow freely on the canvas.

In a perfect symbiosis of his own life and artistic experiences, the world Alejandro Señero creates is alive and beats like a human heart.

“My American blood, from the southern pampas, connects with the modern masters of Europe and becomes ancestral, universal and free painting. Both continents are my home and each work a link between them, a historical link from pre-Columbian art to the l’art de après-guerre”

Alejandro Señero.