
Vernissage of Gesicht in Charlottenburg

Max Pedreira

(Buenos Aires, Argentina – 1978)


Max Pedreira (Buenos Aires – 1978), a self-taught artist, has been in the spotlight for over 30 years. He has had his works features in exhibitions in London, Frankfurt, New York, San Francisco, New Orleans, Seul, Mexico City, Madrid, Barcelona and Buenos Aires, among other cities.

The artist stands at the gate of a world of reverie that seems to be suspended in time and space. The dwellers of his pieces are circus performers, human-animal beings and other mysterious characters who depict faces we feel we have seen before but fail to recognize just as when we wake up from deep slumber. With elements that could at times remit the viewer to science fiction or steampunk visuals, Pedreira’s works construct a captivating oneiric dimension with rules of its own. A kaleidoscope of textures and techniques brings the visual fantasy to life expanding the possibilities of our own existence in the process. The artist invites us to cross the threshold and enter his whimsical universe.

Max Pedreira will surely find a place in the history of the 21st century art.

“I would like my work to reach everyone’s soul and to never be forgotten”
Max Pedreira.